1- The cause of canine arthritis in most cases is the simple wear and tear of bones and joints.
2- The flux of the joints is a condition which arises when ligaments break or sprained. If this happens, the ligaments no longer can accommodate the joints properly which allows the joints to move outside their borders.
3- Another condition is the joint's failure to fit together.It's is a type of condition which is called joint incongruity, which results from a scarred cartilage caused when a bone gets fractured, a malformed cartilage, fusion of the bones are not combined properly, or the knee caps not staying in their normal place.
Usually all of the above mentioned conditions arise from the Aging process, but aging is not the only cause of a dog's Arthritis as it can start at a place of previous injury too .
The severity of the problem becomes a constant source of agony for a dog as well as its owner for whom it's a terrible sight to see his favorite pet limping around or screaming with pain. Usually untreated Arthritis leads to the worst condition where a dog is bound just to lie down all the time. so different therapies accompanied with a proper treatment from an authorized vet is the first and the foremost need to encounter this problem. There are many ways we can help a poor dog suffering from Arthritis, some of hem are given here:
1. Glucosamine –Therapy include oral supplements that contain glucosamine (sulphate or hcl. It may also include the,Adequan or Cartrophen injections. These supplements protect the joints rather than curing the symptoms only and their dosage and effectiveness differ from one dog to another. so they should be used experimentally to observe the results and to decide about their continuation or discontinuation.
2. Diet should be adjusted to reduce the amount of grains & carbohydrates diet & increase the amount of protein. The fresh food always gives good results as compared to the canned food. Diet should be adjusted in such a way that it can help to keep the weight of dog low. As a lean dog suffers less than a bulky one.
3. Pain Relief medicines are a must for relieving a dog from pain.
4. Fish Oil is a very good nutrient or supplement for a dog suffering from severe Arthritis due to the presence of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
5. Alternative Therapies can also be used like Herbal medication, Homeopathy or Acupuncture etc. though sometimes it has no benefit at all, but at other times or in other cases it may be helpful for lots of canines.
Prevention is one of the kindest and most effective measures to take. Keeping your dog in shape through regular exercise and proper nutrition for optimal health is our best defensive mechanism against the terrible disease of the Dog's Arthritis.
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